【香港中文大学】历史的转向:现代史学的破与立 黄进兴
书名 Book Name | 历史的转向:现代史学的破与立 (Historical Turn: The Construction and Deconstruction in Modern Historiography [In Chinese]) |
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作者 Author | 黄进兴 (Chin-shing Huang) | ||
出版时间 Publishing Time | 2021年6月 June 2021 | ||
销量 Sale Volume | ---- | ||
图书类别 Book Category | 历史 History | 字数 Number of Words | 316页 316 pages |
获奖信息Award | |||
意向授权区域(多选) Intentional licensing Area | * 中国大陆Chinese mainland * 欧美Europe and America * 东南亚Southeast Asia * 其他Other regions | ||
内容简介(80字以内)Content Abstract(Within 80 Words) | |||
什么是历史?为什么会有历史主义这样的想法?追根溯源,其实就是后人对于「历史」的质疑。本书是描述史学思想转折之作。因为史家的点拨,历史著作有了更大气的格局与识见。 This book describes the turning point of historical thinking. Because of the advice of historians, historical works have developed into a more atmospheric structure with a broader mind and deeper insight. These metamorphoses have enabled past events coming to life during the processes of reading and writing history books. | |||
作者简介Author Introduction | |||
黄进兴,中央研究院人文副院长、院士。研究中国近世思想史、宗教文化史、西方史学理论,以孔庙研究著称。曾着《优入圣域:权力、信仰与正当性》、《后现代主义与史学研究》、《从理学到伦理学:清末民初道德意识的转化》、《学人侧影》等书。尤擅散文写作,尝以「吴咏慧」为名,出版《哈佛琐记》,风靡两岸三地,影响了一代又一代学子,余音不辍。其著作或有英文、日文、韩文等译本。 Chin-shing Huang, the Vice President and Academician of Humanities of Academia Sinica. He studies the history of Chinese modern thoughts, religious culture, and Western historical theories, and is well-known for the study of Confucian Temples. | |||
推荐理由 Why recommend this book? | |||
· 突破史学高度 a breakthrough in the field of historical study · 在现今信息泛滥的洪流里重新认领历史知识的价值和历史探讨的重要性 a significance for revisiting the value and importance of understanding history during the modern age of information flood |