【香港中文大学】字里人间:人文经典与通识教育 梁卓恒、刘保禧、李骏康 合编
书名 Book Name | 字里人间:人文经典与通识教育 (World in Words: Humanities Classics and General Education [In Chinese]) | ||
作者 Author | 梁卓恒、刘保禧、李骏康 合编 (Edited by Leung Check-hang, Lau Po-hei, and Li Chun-hong) | ||
出版时间 Publishing Time | 2021年6月 June 2021 | ||
销量 Sale Volume | ---- | ||
图书类别 Book Category | 哲学, 人文科学 Philosophy, General Education | 字数 Number of Words | 324页 324 pages |
获奖信息Award | |||
意向授权区域(多选) Intentional licensing Area | * 中国大陆Chinese mainland * 欧美Europe and America * 东南亚Southeast Asia * 其他Other regions | ||
内容简介(80字以内)Content Abstract(Within 80 Words) | |||
此书透过研读中西经典引发读者思考美好人生与理想社会的条件、规范和准则,培育读者通古今、辨是非的能力。同系列的书有:《哲学的追寻》、《宗哲对话录》、《为人之学:人文、哲学与通识教育》等。 Through the study of Chinese and Western classics, this book initiates readers’ meditation on the conditions, norms and principles of a better life and an ideal society, which in turn cultivates readers' ability to understand the past and the present, distinguish right from wrong, and re-examine one's own life and the care of the times. Other titles of the same series include The Pursuit of Philosophy [in Chinese] and Dialogues on Religion on Philosophy [in Chinese]. | |||
作者简介Author Introduction | |||
梁卓恒,英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)哲学博士。现任香港中文大学大学通识教育部讲师,曾获中文大学通识教育模范教学奖(2019)。 Dr LEUNG Cheuk Hang, Doctor of Philosophy, University College London (UCL), UK. He is currently a lecturer in the Office of General Education of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and won The Chinese University General Education Model Teaching Award (2019). 刘保禧,香港中文大学哲学博士。现任香港中文大学大学通识教育部讲师,客席任教于哲学系。研究兴趣是儒家哲学与比较哲学。 Dr LAU Po Hei, Doctor of Philosophy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is currently a lecturer in the General Education Department of The Chinese University and a guest teacher in the Department of Philosophy. His research interests are Confucian philosophy and comparative philosophy. 李骏康 ,香港中文大学哲学博士,主修神学及宗教研究。现任香港中文大学大学通识教育部讲师、崇基学院服务学习中心副主任。 Dr LI Chun Hong, Doctor of Philosophy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in Theology and Religious Studies. He is currently a lecturer in the Office of General Education of The Chinese University, and deputy director of the Service Learning Center of Chung Chi College. | |||
推荐理由 Why recommend this book? | |||
· 言简意赅、引人反思 thought-provoking with its plain language · 重新审视平常生活被忽视的东西 revisiting the neglected parts of our daily life |